Sample Document

Personal Statement

Some students who are new to Canada are not familiar with the notion of “personal statement.” This document intends to provide an example of experience and plan for future of an applicant. Applicant may briefly write about any challenges in life and any triumphs.

The following is an example of personal statement of a fictitious applicant. Elements of this example has been composed based on some letters we have received in the past.


A Sample of Personal Statement

I have a passion for technical subjects that led me to study Engineering. I would like to start my career to work for a major engineering company to gain experience to establish my own engineering company after I gain some business experience.

Since arriving in Canada in 2016, I have studied to improve my English. I took some English courses at a college before enrolling in engineering program at university. I have maintained a high average in my first year of engineering. I think my strong mathematical background that I gained in Iran has been a factor in my success.

I am also interested in music and learned to play guitar when I was in Iran but heavy academic work in Canada has reduced my time to practice playing music.

I am in Canada on student visa. Being a foreign student, I cannot obtain employment outside university or access financial help that provincial government provides to local students. The funds I receive from my parents have decreased substantially. Thanks to one of my professors, I am now working for few hours a week at his lab at university. This provides me a little relief but certainly takes some of my personal time that I could use for other things such as studying or playing music.

Declaration of Financial Situation

Some students are not familiar with the process of preparing a financial statement because some items are estimates. We typically make our estimates based on the best information available to us. Unless there is a substantial change in one’s circumstances, last year’s actual income and expenses may be a good estimate for next year's income and expenses. Not every two cases are identical so the items and amounts presented in the following example would not be valid to other cases.

The following is an example of financial decleration we received in the past. We have eliminated the name and specifics that identify the writer.

A Fictitious Sample of Financial Declaration

My expected sources of income for next 12 months.

Some items are firm others are my best estimates.

Item of Earning

Dollar Amount

Balance of your bank accounts


Annual support from family


Annual earnings (part time or full time jobs)


Annual provincial grants and loans


Annual scholarships from all sources other than Parya Foundation


Annual special university / college grants not reported in above items


Other earnings 1: Tax rebate


Other earnings 1: My wife’s income net of her expenses




My expected expenses for next academic year.

Some items are firm others are my best estimates.

Item of Expense

Dollar Amount

Annual tuition fees


Annual cost of books and supplies


Annual cost of transportation


Annual cost of health insurance (for family of three)


Annual rental cost


Annual cost of groceries and food (for family of three)


Annual cost of clothing


Annual cost of entertainments


Other expense 1: My son’s daycare




I expect an estimated shortfall of $14,310